ESCORXADOER SABADELL, SA aims to guarantee the Quality and Food Safety of the products it markets and to achieve the satisfaction of its customers, and to this end it develops and keeps up-to-date a quality and food safety management system, always in compliance with the legal requirements applicable to our activity

The Quality and Food Safety policy is defined and promoted by the Board of Directors, which assumes the commitment to develop and implement it, update it, demand it and control its compliance, defining the following lines of action:

  • Satisfaction of our customers, in product and services, meeting their requirements.
  • Compliance with the legal requirements of the activity.
  • Establish and maintain a continuous improvement system.
  • Implement and maintain a quality and food safety management system.
  • Guarantee the innocuousness of marketed products.
  • Consumer protection with safe products according to the self-control system
    based on HACCP and prerequisites.
  • Comply with the Regulations for the use of the Halal Guarantee Mark.
  • Provide the necessary resources for the development of the activity.
  • Training and sensitization of all personnel to manage their workplace.
  • Environmental commitment and responsibility.
  • Promote the prevention of occupational hazards and provide safe working conditions that
    do not affect health.

Rafael Ylla Juyent
Chief Executive Officer